22nd Sep

Fostering Employee Engagement

Accountability is not only holding staff responsible for following the established policies and protocols in your organization, it can also stretch into responsibility to speak out when processes are no longer efficient. Successful organizations hold their employees accountable for established

20th Sep

Medically Unlikely Edits

MUE What Does That Stand For?   We live in a world full of acronyms. LOL, BRB, COT, MDS, ADL, PUF, PEPPER, and the list goes on! So, what does MUE stand for? Medically Unlikely Edits What does this mean?

27th Jul

Changing the “Not My Job” Mentality

How many times have you heard someone say, “That’s Not My Job!”? Most likely you’ve heard this before — you may have even said it yourself! The thing is, though, when we think about compliance, it is everyone’s job to

9th Jun

3 Ways to Protect Your Computer from Crashing

Ransomware, Viruses, and Computer Crashes…Oh my!   Joei Morton, Functional Pathways Director of IT and HIPAA Security Officer reports there are 3 steps we can take to protect our computers from ransomware, viruses, computer crashes etc. Check them out!  

9th Jun

The Sink or Swim Healthcare Environment

There isn’t a more dangerous phrase in healthcare than “but that’s the way I’ve always done it!”  There is nothing that hurts my ears more than hearing this phrase. As I’ve said before, in healthcare, the one thing you can

16th May

Building on the Foundation of Patient Safety

Patient Safety is the foundation upon which Quality Healthcare is built. Virtually every healthcare setting is working toward the shared goal of providing safer care for patients. This includes not only within the walls of each institution but across the

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