21st Nov

During the coming Holiday season, I will be striving for an attitude of gratitude. So often we focus on the negative situations and events in our lives, and forget to be thankful for the blessings! I have always been a pretty positive person as many of you well know.  However, there are times in all our lives when circumstances can allow us to temporarily forget the daily blessings we receive and focus only on the problem at hand. Now, I am not telling you to “not focus” on a resolution to an immediate problem, but honestly, your immediate problem is probably going to go away. If you linger over it or dwell inordinately about it, it will take its toll on your emotional outlook. When this happens, our attitude can affect our health and relationships both at work and at home. There is no value in a negative attitude!

As valuable health care providers and elite therapists, we must always reach for the best for our patients and team mates. What we bring to the health care community, our very specialized skills as Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapists, can change and enhance the quality of life for many of our clients, as well as our team members.

So remember, as the Holiday season fast approaches to have an Attitude of Gratitude, “Be a Blessing” and let your light shine!


Cherie Rowell

Quality Liaison


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