OIG 2013 Work Plan: Nursing Home Areas Of Focus

While we all anxiously await the coming of a new year and what actions Congress will take related to impact on Medicare, Nursing Homes and Therapy Services, there is one thing we can prepare for now.  Each year the U.S.


Restorative Nursing programs are vital to long term care. These traditional nursing home programs, if not well managed and organized may leave long term care residents with an overall poorer quality of life lower and declines in function that impact

Preparing for Medicare Implementation

As you may be aware, there will be new reporting requirements for outpatient therapy services beginning 1/1/13. The Middle Class Tax Relief and Jobs Creating Act of 2012 section 3005(g) amended section 1833(g) of the Social Security Act to require


Compliance is defined as the act of adhering to, and demonstrating adherence to, a standard or regulation.  As you know, in the medical field, there are numerous regulations and they are constantly changing. Functional Pathways is passionate and committed to

Prevent Readmissions by Identifying Causes of Acute Change

Causes of acute change of condition in a resident residing in a skilled nursing facility can be categorized into either reasons that relate primarily to the resident’s current status or condition or reasons less directly related to the resident’s current


This week, we have been notified that phase 2 and phase 3 providers are receiving ADRs for October claims for resident’s who were at or over the $3,700 threshold.  Phase 1 providers who have pre-approval are receiving ADRs as well.

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