Getting in to see potential referral sources is becoming increasingly difficult these days. Physicians have more and more demands on their time which means little time left to talk to you. Social workers, Case managers and Discharge planners are harder to see as hospitals put policies in place that allow you less opportunity to interact with this important group. The key is to create an environment where everyone receives something of value.

You have to figure what the needs of each piece of the puzzle are and then provide the setting for that to occur.

The case management component must have continuing educational opportunities in order to maintain their licensure.

Medical groups need to market their physicians, particularly if that physician is new to the practice or the area.

You need to be in front of each of these referral sources and there is no better way than being the person or facility that makes this happen while fulfilling the important needs of each contingent.

It is important to have a topic that is both timely and informative. There is hardly a more relevant subject than re- hospitalization. It is the biggest focus of CMS today.

Where you have it can have an impact as well. If you need to show off a new facility or a just renovated area of your facility then you would like to bring them to you. This will allow you to showcase your building by giving tours and having staff available to welcome them.

Keep in mind these are all busy people and if you don’t need to bring them to you, taking the program to them shows that you are sensitive to their particular situation and could possibly increase your attendance.

As electronic and data driven as our business has become don’t underestimate the power of a good relationship. Being seen as the person that brings all of what we have mentioned above together only enhances your relationship with each of these vital referral sources. By showing them that you understand their needs and are willing to provide a forum where those needs can met will, I think, gain you better standing among the people that can help you attain the goals that will help you be successful.


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